lunes, 19 de octubre de 2009


A while after the so called “white” arrival, we know that the South America that used to be a couple of years back were now totally changed and different. We also know that that the native-Colombians were somehow discriminated, because under Spanish criteria, this new race were “less than humans” or better said “less than Spaniard people” and so they were forced to work like slaves like the 90% of a day. But also the sickness that the new oppressors brought were really damaging to the Natives because before they came, America was really a clean, continent without all the dirtiness the Europeans had. And so like they were not get used lots of them died.
As if this wasn’t enough the Europeans decided to put a new law which purpose was to establish and control even better the natives, and this law said “ El pueblo debia tener Una iglesia,plaza y calles bajo la administracion de un cacique y su población nodebia superar los 300 vecinos”. And so these poor natives had to change their lives from living in their own wide spaces with their own home, families and food free to do wht they want, to becoming slaves of a land invaders which had no rights whatsoever, to tell them how any people they could have and what religions to follow. Also the languages the natives spoke were prohibited by the Land lords. But still a few of this were secretly talked. But many died because of it.

The Natives were not slaves of the Spanish but they treated them like if they were, because all the excessive hard work, the way of living and the lack of payment was a signal of the worst, Also because the massive take out of Colombian soil for money was only for Spain and not one bit of gold for the ones who at the first place own it.
As the Natives were in such a bad shape, the Spanish people were lacking out of employees ( the Spanish true blood didn’t had to work) and so the “cachacos” and “criollos” replaced the workers for the Spanish factories of Gold and Jewls could be established once again.

Of all this we several years later can only wonder if this case of non official slavery and the constant injustices of the Spaniard would ever lead to something good? These injustices made the liberation of Colombia many years later possible.

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